Agribusiness group and iTalk (Inspiration Talk) activity "The factor of success to the organization to grow continuously and sustainably.”

Thursday, November 3, 2022 – The Agricultural Business Group and CP Social Impact Co., Ltd. received a great opportunity from Khun Wiset Wisitwinyu, Managing Director of CPRAM Co., Ltd., to talk to us closely. Pass on experiences and work guidelines. In a warm atmosphere with the iTalk (Inspiration Talk) activity “Factors of Success to the organization to grow continuously and sustainably" with Mr. Weerachai Rattanabanchun, Vice President of Agro-Industrial and Food Business Group, Mr. Poomchai Triidalanon, Senior Executive Vice President Along with executives, consultants, new leaders and agricultural families More than 150 people participated in the activities from both domestic and abroad at KPI Happy Space and via online system. 5 Success Factors Factor 1: Know How Knowledge Management Knowledge Management […]