Pre-cleaner drum SEMC

This equipment provides a high capacity pre-cleaning at bulk product reception before storage for all powdery products, cereals, etc…
It is essential in the corn drying storage installations to remove most of cobs, leaves, stems, stones, etc….
It reduces the number of dryers cleaning operations and limits significantly the clogging.
Installed downstream of a cleaning line it protects the handling equipment and lower the work load on the cleaners in order to maximize their capacity.
The SEMB ensures the removal of very small particles (dust in cereals) and undesirable large sized foreign materials.

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Product details

– Continuous operation without shocks.
– Inlet with dispatcher and pre-suction at upper part
– Size of sieve mesh according to use
– Feeding shovel with adjustable slope.
– Suction channel catching the fine wastes.
– Expansion chamber collecting the light wastes
– Screw equipped with a check valve at the end

– Good product discharge hopper
– Large wastes receiving hopper in two parts according to type
– Reclaiming hopper of light wastes beneath the flap box
– Suction nozzle
– Possible damping bend at the inlet of the product to be treated
– Anti-filling sensor with probe
– Built-in pads filter