🎞Summary pictures of the construction of the mask factory 🏗

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  • 🎞Summary pictures of the construction of the mask factory 🏗

5/3/2020 : Senior President Thanin Chearavanont announces to invest more than 100 million baht to accelerate the construction of a factory to produce masks for free to fight COVID-19

7/3/2020 : Reveal the clean room and clean room design principles

19/3/2020 : CP plans to join KMITL to use AI to check the quality of free mask production for the people.

28/3/2020 : Follow the mission of the factory for free CP masks for the people, the second week, ventilate the "clean room", the heart of the mask factory.

Follow Week 3 Construction of a CP mask factory to produce masks for free distribution

6/4/2020 : Preparing to install the machine CP mask factory progress 80%

Credit : We are CP