– 250 mm rollers
– Space adjustment between cylinders with remote control with analog position detection
– Integrated system for product sampling
– Automatic spacing of cylinders when foreign bodies going through
– Total spacing of rollers to allow a free passage of pellets
To crush the pellets (usually a 4 mm diameter is easier to pellet than a 2.5 mm diameter) for poultry, game, fish, and piglets thus improving ingestion by small animals and digestion.
Our PEDT crumbler is also used to reduce the grain size of various dry products in foods or chemical industries.
Our range of crumblers is designed to make crumbs from 0.2 to 4 mm with granulated product passing between 2 rollers.
The characteristic of the crumbler standard machine STOLZ PEDT type is the possibility of using the distributor permanently in order to regulate the pellet flow before sifting.
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Animal feed factory
Design of animal feed factory
Construction of a feed mill