Screeners & Sifters

– Specific self-balancing system to optimize the product distribtion while removing the dynamic stress.
– Suitable to all particle sizes from large pellets to small crumbs.
– Sieved product outlet by mono or multi directional box with flexible circular junction element.
– Low pressure inside the machine recommended.
– Also available with a crumbler built in at sifter inlet.





The PTAG sifter is designed to collect the fines from the pellets to improve the quality of the final product.
These fines are redirected to the pellet mill in order to limit product wastes.
The PTAG sifter is based on the principle of suspended casing moved by a circular and horizontal movement.
This sifter is mainly used to process products dedicated to cattle food, but other applications are possible.
The size of the processed products can vary from 0.5 mm to 25 mm.
The amplitude of the movement is adjustable and then can adapt the speed to the downstream product.
